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Project’s aims

Project’s aims

The primary aim of the CLINICALSIM project is to enhance the practical training of nurses in Angola’s Higher Education Institutions, addressing the critical need for improved practical competencies in the face of significant health challenges. The project focuses on bridging the gap in skills such as decision-making, interpersonal abilities, and human nutrition. Through the utilization of simulation suites, multimedia digital tools, and real patient interactions, CLINICALSIM seeks to instill experiential learning methodologies, while also emphasizing the social commitment of Higher Education Institutions and addressing the specific needs of individuals facing socio-economic obstacles and health issues.

Project’ results

Result #1

Definition of a Euro-Angolan approach for the practical training in nursing.

Result #2

Definition of the student’s debriefing/reflective process.

Result #3

Definition and production of multimedia training materials with real-based study cases in nursing.

Result #4

Design, development and administration of the Service-Learning management tool for community service.

Result #5

Design and development of virtual clinic tools: integration and development of a common digital platform for the support of nursing practices.

Result #6

CLINICALSIM deployment toolkit and training materials.

Result #7

Validation of CLINICALSIM approach on a pilot basis: teacher training, student piloting, evaluation, improvements.